Youth Action Fife - Funding Opportunity to support Young People in Fife’s Rural Communities.
Youth Action Fife is a Youth Local Action Group (YLAG) made up of young people aged 16-30 who live, work or study in Rural Fife. All of the young people involved are volunteers who are passionate about making a difference to the lives of young people in Rural Communities. Youth Action Fife was set up in 2023 and are responsible for granting £25,000 of funding to enhance the lives of young people in Rural Fife and that furthers our 8 priorities.
We are looking for dynamic, innovative and exciting new ideas and opportunities and want to invest in you and your ideas. We are assessing the quality of the idea not the application so don’t worry about spelling or grammar (it is you we are investing in!).
If you are an individual under 30 or a group that will positively impact young people in Rural fife, the community, economy and/or environment, then we want to hear from you.
What are our priorities?
1. Mental health and wellbeing
2. Skills Development, Business, and Enterprise
3. Connection to Nature
4. Community - Cross Community and Inter-generational projects
5. Sustainability, environmentalism, climate action
6. Rural Poverty (digital, access, transport, opportunities)
7. Art, creativity and culture
8. Inclusion and under-represented groups
We encourage you to apply for ideas that meet one or more of our 8 priorities and to very clear on how your idea meets the relevant criteria.
Register your interest in this funding by clicking the button below. We will check the criteria and if you meet it we will invite you to apply for the funding.
If you have any questions and please email Judith on
We can’t wait to support you and your ideas! #youthempowerment #youthworkchangeslives #youthparticipation #ruralfife